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Susan Olasky | The life of a start-up movie producer doesn't follow an easy script

Mark Bergin | Record colds from North America to Baghdad reveal a double standard in global-warming alarmism

Daniel James Devine | NASA works to finish the ISS so it can go to the moon instead

Susan Olasky | Next February will mark the end of old technology TV


Daniel James Devine |

Susan Olasky | What one Christian in Africa started

Mark Bergin | Some relief groups are diverting resources from helping the needy to climate change

Susan Olasky | Over the next 22 years, 80 million Americans will apply for Social Security

Susan Olasky | Radical robber, Christian poverty-fighter Gerry Phelps is redeeming time

A prestigious research lab faces a $500,000 lawsuit after firing a Christian biologist for not accepting Darwinism