Does President Obama's science czar still hold to opinions that some call so pro-environment they're anti-human?
Susan Olasky | A time-traveling trip in Manhattan shows the stuff of which dreams are made
President Obama's choice to head the National Institutes of Health believes in Christ and Darwinism
Susan Olasky | Going online can help with studying the Bible, learning about the Civil War, and getting a grasp on mammoth deficit spending
Daniel James Devine | Lawsuit tests how far companies can go in patenting our genes
Susan Olasky | Uncertainties of a career on stage lead New York actress to "calm down and rely on God-a lot"
New York now permits the use of taxpayer money to pay women donating eggs for embryonic stem cell research
Daniel James Devine | African genes showcase diversity
Susan Olasky | Sites can help teach grammar, create recipes, and find other useful facts