Mindy Belz | Changing sexual behavior as a way to fight AIDS gets a warning flag from the government's chief accounting office
Susan Olasky | For years conservatives have expressed skepticism about the existence of ADHD and worried about the overuse of powerful stimulants like Ritalin.
Governments around the world are preparing for the possibility that bird flu will mutate into a disease that humans can give to one another
Officials in Hawaii begin preparing for outbreak of bird flu
Rachel Houston | As many as 2 million Americans are turning their inner pain into external wounds
Following months of accusations, an investigation committee reports that Hwang Woo-Suk's research results were fabricated
Priya Abraham | U.S.
Clint Rainey | Is yoga the latest way to improve mind and body or the newest path to Hindu enlightenment?
November was not a good month for embryonic stem-cell research