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The fires next time

Mindy Belz | While the president focuses on Kosovo, military analysts suggest it is only a matter of time before U.S.

For evangelicals in tiny Acteal, the rebel message is no balm to divisions from 1997 massacre

Mindy Belz | "If I were president of the United States and I wanted to start World War III, I would do exactly as this president has done [in Yugoslavia]." That is the stark assessment of Sen.

Mindy Belz | Border-crossing isn't easy, as Kosovar Albanians risk drowning in a sea of humanity as they flee the flame


Cal Thomas | Family's plight highlights human-rights abuses

Mindy Belz | Latest move against Kosovo is questioned

Doug Bandow | An important American ally makes an uneasy peace with NATO's war in Kosovo

Falsely accused as Shining Path terrorists, Christians in Peruvian prison look to a just God

Mindy Belz | Russian officials are taking seriously a repressive law against religious minorities, but a few find loopholes

Mindy Belz | Internal program survey shows evangelical relief agency World Vision is involved in Third World population control