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Blood for oil

Mindy Belz |

Mindy Belz |

Mindy Belz | As Europe moves toward a common currency, Brits, Danes, and others worry about handing power to eurocrats

Will British voters stop the slow, steady erosion of their country's independence and identity?


Mindy Belz | If Air Force One had a frequent flyer program, Bill Clinton could worry less about a foreign-policy legacy and more about where to spend all those bonus miles

Mindy Belz | After spending $60 million over the last decade to help southern Sudan, World Vision pulled out in a dispute with rebels who control some of the most desperate areas.

Mindy Belz |

As Muslims observe Ramadan-the month during which they engage in daylight-hours fasts-can they also abstain from the fear and fragmentation tugging at Islam?

Ten years after Germany reunited, its eastern wing is ripe for more miracles