International | WORLD
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Engaging Israel's disengagement

Jill Nelson | Israel begins a historic withdrawal from Gaza and U.S.

Jill Nelson | Will the new constitution affirm democratic values or use democracy to impose Shariah?

Priya Abraham | An infamous playboy leaves a legacy of Islamic extremism

Akol Maker | The journey of a Lost Boy from Ethiopia to Fargo


Mindy Belz | Sinai attacks undermine economy and may create an election rumble

Priya Abraham | Mugabe tsunami closes in on churches that aid refugees

Susan Olasky | You don't have to be a superman to help.

Priya Abraham | Lawmakers and others are challenging the $1.2 billion price tag to renovate the UN building in New York-especially since the UN is holding out for an interest-free U.S.

Susan Olasky | Travel to Africa means dramatic change for many from America, but one group is pushing the back of the envelope even further: not only living in Africa, but living like poor Africans

Priya Abraham | Form of religious violence in India is changing, but not content