Jill Nelson | A once protected-and ancient-Christian community in Egypt faces new threats
Hurricane Dean strengthens into a Category 5 storm as winds slam Mexico and Belize
Mindy Belz | But Darfur's innocent may not be protected in latest UN resolution, says former UN ambassador
Mindy Belz | Recent "action" by the UN to end violence in Darfur comes five years into a breathtaking genocide, chronicles scholar Eric Reeves in new book
A Chinese dissident uncovers a plateful of horrors
Jamie Dean | With casualties in Iraq at an eight-month low, why aren't the Democrats cheering?
Priya Abraham | In a murky vote process, UN accredits homosexual activist groups
Jamie Dean | A monument to man's strength crumples into the Mississippi with men, women and children aboard
Priya Abraham | Taliban kidnapping of 23 Korean missionaries reveals the perils for church soldiers
A monument to man's strength crumples into the Mississippi with men, women and children aboard