International | WORLD
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Leave no fingerprints

Mark Bergin | U.S.

Jill Nelson | The clock is ticking on a presidential legacy in the Middle East

Marvin Olasky | The Khmer Rouge finally faces trial for its killing fields, with one leader, Comrade Duch, confessing both conversion and murder: "We killed them like chickens"

Myanmar's devastating cyclone may open a closed country to outsiders as never before


Mark Bergin | A lack of crops for subsistence and investment for the economy leaves Haitians brutally vulnerable to global food trends

Jamie Dean | An American pastor goes to jail in Moscow

Mark Bergin | Simple design solutions are revolutionizing the undeveloped world one grateful village at a time

Jill Nelson | The ongoing crackdown against Laotian pastors is spreading the gospel through prisons

Paul Glader | For lower-caste Indians in America, injustice and discrimination can persist

Jamie Dean | Gen.