Jamie Dean | On China trip, Nancy Pelosi shifts focus from human rights to the environment
Jamie Dean | As the crisis in Darfur deepens, President Obama's hard line from last year turns soft
Jill Nelson | The fighting may have stopped in Sri Lanka, but ethnic tensions are high as thousands of minority Tamils suffer in primitive camps
Daniel Olasky | Cricket helps take the mind off bleak economy and politicians' malfeasance
Despite the government shutdown of internet and text-messaging, protesting Iranians use Twitter as a means to communicate to the world
Friday's presidential election in Iran may turn on the role of the lead candidate's wife
Both President Ahmadinejad and challenger Mousavi claim victory in what could turn into an explosive situation
Sarah Kiewel, Priscilla Santos | Geography plus poverty makes for persistent hardship across much of Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere
Prayer and technology link Chinese Christians as they recall life-changing events 20 years ago in Tiananmen Square