Sexuality | WORLD
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Reconceiving contraception

Reconceiving contraception

Katelyn Walls Shelton | It’s time for the church to tell the truth about birth control as a moral and theological issue

Carl R. Trueman | We may be seeing the beginning of the end of trans madness

TRENDING | Video series aims to help parents equip teens to reject me-centered views of the body

Jim Daly | Pornography ensnares men, enslaves women, and destroys marriages


Colin J. Smothers | The false, bad, and ugly stand allied against the true, good, and beautiful

Her new book, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, offers a challenging call to love God’s truth in creation more deeply and boldly

Timothy Paul Jones | A genre known for pushing the limits runs into transgender dogma

BACKSTORY | One parent’s struggle to cling to Biblical truth as her child embraces gender lies

Denny Burk | Reasserting a transgender falsehood does not make it so