Priya Abraham | At the United Nations, resident thorn-in-the-flesh Austin Ruse makes enemies by promoting pro-life values
Lynn Vincent | State lawmakers roll back the Roe v.
Lynn Vincent | Researchers may have discovered a way around the embryonic stem-cell debate-and other life issues to watch
Lynn Vincent | It's a brave new world of alternative family models, but some "lopsided" children are beginning to speak out about what they missed growing up
Jamie Dean | Ten years after landmark bill, tens of thousands more children find permanent families
Jamie Dean | Displaced residents of public housing are being well supplied by FEMA and others, but they are demanding more
Lynn Vincent | After body is discovered, police and legislators line up to prosecute for murder Florida abortion clinic personnel
Mark Bergin | Anti-spanking crusades have triggered bans around the globe and are taking aim at the U.S.-but some defenders of spanking say that many parents do it unbiblically
Mark Bergin | Foster parents in Washington state are joining the organized labor force
Jamie Dean | Gay-marriage initiatives aren't the only threat to preserving marriage.