Family & Society | WORLD
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Jamie Dean | Displaced residents of public housing are being well supplied by FEMA and others, but they are demanding more

Lynn Vincent | After body is discovered, police and legislators line up to prosecute for murder Florida abortion clinic personnel

Mark Bergin | Anti-spanking crusades have triggered bans around the globe and are taking aim at the U.S.-but some defenders of spanking say that many parents do it unbiblically

Mark Bergin | Foster parents in Washington state are joining the organized labor force


Jamie Dean | Gay-marriage initiatives aren't the only threat to preserving marriage.

Katie Gaultney | She liberated her husband from a concentration camp, but who will free Lang Yen Thi Vo from the medical establishment?

Lynn Vincent | For those caring for an elderly or infirm mom, every day is Mother's Day

Lynn Vincent | A 30-year-old law to protect Native Americans puts adopted children who've never set foot on a reservation at the mercy of Indian tribes

John Dawson | Detroit anchorman Frank Turner makes waves by attempting a career in evangelistic broadcasting

Lynn Vincent | When a repentant man goes free for another man's murder, how do survivors cope?