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Back to court ... again

Californians voted for traditional marriage Tuesday, but same-sex marriage proponents have countered by filing lawsuits challenging Proposition 8

In weighing in on California's Proposition 8, voices from San Diego's gay mecca are hardly of one mind on the measure

The heated battle over marriage in California has resulted in vandalism and even death threats

A high turnout of black voters on Tuesday could help pass ballot measures banning same-sex marriage in three states


After a long custody battle, Lisa Miller faces the possibility Monday of losing her daughter to the girl's claimed "other mother"

A new poll finds that a vast majority of Americans are aware of the harmful emotional effects of abortion

The Senate Special Committee on Aging discussed end-of-life care without even mentioning "personhood"

Coordinated efforts with other nations and agencies help U.S.

Christian groups rush disaster relief to the areas hit the hardest by the hurricane

Hurricane Gustav once again underscores the importance of local churches in times of need