Effective Compassion | WORLD
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Edifying CHAT

Emily Belz | East Region Winner: Richmond neighborhood group helps poor students thrive

Jae Wasson, Katlyn Babyak, Onize Oduah | A look at the finalists from our effective compassion competition in 2006


Marvin Olasky | South Region Winner: Miami clinic gives thousands of poor and mostly minority women the resources to help them choose life for their unborn children

Marvin Olasky | Our 10th annual Hope Awards come as Christian poverty-fighting groups face an unprecedented challenge

Sophia Lee | West Region Winner: Hope House takes in children whom others have abandoned and shows them a loving, heavenly Father

Daniel James Devine | Midwest Region Winner: Detroit-area center helps transform homeless, addicted, and despondent men and women into workers and homeowners

The unsung legacy of an anti-poverty warrior