Marvin Olasky | From hundreds of nominations, we've picked nine effective poverty-fighting groups for a $20,000 contest.
Jill Lacey | In an Inuit area overwhelmed by sexual abuse and suicide, Clair and Clara Schnupp help young men see God's mercy
Warren Cole Smith | World Relief's almost-hire spotlights ministries need for government funds
Alisa Harris | Minnesota's Christ for People leaves no one behind
Emily Belz | A Christian health clinic becomes a safety net for the uninsured
Jamie Dean | North Carolina ministry seeks to build ties between prisoners and their children
Warren Cole Smith | The Barnabas Group emphasizes community as key to successful investment
Warren Cole Smith | Biblically Responsible Investing is slowly catching on among evangelicals
Rusty Leonard | Pyramid scheme uses pastors to build trust and gain 'members'
Alisa Harris | A Queens bus driver helps over a hundred people eat good meals: 'God is the one who supports me'