Homelessness | WORLD
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Fatherless and homeless

Sophia Lee | Too many kids in the foster system end up on the streets once they reach adulthood

The joy of finding freedom from the streets

In a public library, two homeless friends aspire for a better future

Solutions to homelessness fall short when they ignore spiritual brokenness


Our best efforts to fix the problem are still falling short

My unlikely meeting with a former Vogue model

A Texas program tries to be a family for the Chronically homeless without requiring changes in behavior

As a Los Angeles resident, I empathize with both sides of the NIMBY debate

Sophia Lee | As California’s housing prices soar out of reach, a growing group of citizens is calling for cities to build, baby, build

Harvest Prude | Federal homeless policy is based on a flawed, one-size-fits-all approach, but one agency is ready to try a more intensive strategy