Homelessness | WORLD
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Havens for the homeless

Sophia Lee | ‘Bridge shelters’ and legal homeless encampments are the latest experiments in dealing with a growing homelessness crisis

Sophia Lee | Family homelessness is a growing problem, and the government’s rapid rehousing policy may not be helping

What do you say or do when a friend relapses into addiction?

A visit to Seattle’s “tent cities” for the homeless shows how everyone yearns for a place to belong


When homeless ministry gets extreme

My night as a survey volunteer in the wealthy Los Angeles neighborhood of Bel Air

For a man living on LA streets, an offer of long-term help

Learning to understand a man living homeless in Venice Beach

Meeting deep needs calls for more than a soup line

Sophia Lee | The federal and state governments and many nonprofits are pushing a homeless policy that works for some but not for many others