Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth | WORLD
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No more keeping parents in the dark

No more keeping parents in the dark

Kayla Toney | A diverse coalition asks the Supreme Court to protect parental rights at school

Timon Cline | A refusal to affirm transgender delusion could end parental rights

Craig A. Carter | At the root of today’s political and cultural debates is a sharp disagreement about the nature of reality


Ray Hacke | Major university wisely withdraws women’s volleyball scholarship offered to a male

Carl R. Trueman | To help human beings, we must know who humans are

Katie J. McCoy | Let the detransition lawsuits begin

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | And Ohio’s Republican governor gets their applause with a veto

Christiana Kiefer | Appeals court reinstates Connecticut female athletes’ case, providing hope for the future

Emma Waters | The fight against gender ideology needs strong parents, leaders, and laws