Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth | WORLD
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Polymorphous perversity in the heartland

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The scandal of the Kinsey Institute and Indiana University

Christiana Kiefer | Five ways the church can be the hands and feet of Christ

Joseph Backholm | The lessons of another pro-life debacle at the polls


Hunter Baker | Pope Francis makes troubling moves on same-sex marriage

TRENDING | Video series aims to help parents equip teens to reject me-centered views of the body

U.S. Treasury Department issues new sanctions Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

Jim Daly | Pornography ensnares men, enslaves women, and destroys marriages

Colin J. Smothers | The false, bad, and ugly stand allied against the true, good, and beautiful

Josh Hershberger | Indiana takes a child from parents due to their Christian convictions—and courts allow it