From a recording that disappeared in transit five years ago, the octogenarian theologian shares how God shaped him first and foremost as a catechist
Reassuring a young boy struggling with questions about his adoption
Pavement-pounding journalism—watching, listening, observing, recording—provides readers with the specific details important to a story
Conservative candidates must change the perception that they do not care to win the hearts of all Americans
How can Christians live in a culture that celebrates the gay lifestyle, yet worship among believers who rarely talk about it—except to condemn it?
Can libertarians, traditionalists, neoconservatives, and Christian conservatives put the pieces together?
A firsthand account from inside Syria’s humanitarian disaster
It’s easy for journalists to become jaded, but Christian scribes can find great joy in reporting the reasons for honoring Christ in all things and above all things
Theistic evolutionists should accept, with centurion-like faith, that the sovereign Creator spoke the universe into being by the power of His Word, and His Word alone
It may be a small world, after all, but it remains a dangerous one, so travelers should take precautions