Answering the most frequent objections Christians face. An excerpt from a WORLD Book of the Year runner-up
The 90th anniversary of the Scopes “Monkey Trial”
An excerpt from Rosaria Butterfield’s sequel: Openness Unhindered: Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ
American Christians find themselves living in an increasingly hostile environment. An excerpt from a WORLD Book of the Year runner-up
Millennials who stand up for family, marriage, and the foundational institutions of civil society make possible a new cultural counter-revolution. The question is, will you join it?
Excerpts from two of WORLD’s Books of the Year
An excerpt from WORLD’s Book of the Year in Accessible Theology
In 2002, WORLD obtained undercover tapes that revealed Planned Parenthood may have aided and abetted statutory rapists
A look back to a story from 2000 about an abortion business operator who was rushed into the Christian pro-life spotlight and crumbled under pressure
In 1978, a pastor stood his ground against the homosexual agenda, winning a court battle that others likely will face in the days ahead