The measure sent to committee for a formal draft would outlaw the procedure for any reason
The fetal tissue procurement company ignores subpoenas by refusing to turn over financial records
Do images of aborted babies help or hurt the pro-life cause?
Amid profanity and promiscuity, at least there’s no mention of abortion
Emily Belz | Business is booming at Planned Parenthood as smaller abortion centers close. Have pro-life laws in red states accelerated this trend?
Democrat Eric Schneiderman bypasses the state legislature to give legal cover for abortionists in New York
California seeks to criminalize undercover videos like the ones that exposed Planned Parenthood
Legislation would criminalize the dissemination of any secret recordings made by journalists and activists
Purvi Patel leaves prison after appeals court rules abortion was not feticide
Jamie Dean | Countless children owe their lives to the 40-year-old bipartisan ban on Medicaid funding for abortion, but the policy is coming under unprecedented attack by national Democrats