Wildfires ravage Chile as international aid arrives | WORLD
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Wildfires ravage Chile as international aid arrives

Fires have continued to rage across Chile. Associated Press/Photo by Matias Delacroix

Wildfires ravage Chile as international aid arrives

Wildfires that began Thursday continue to spread throughout Chile, leaving 24 people dead and nearly 1,000 injured. The Chilean National Forestry Corporation reported Monday that there were about 275 active fires and at least 667,000 acres of land had been destroyed. Emergency declarations have been issued in three regions and at least eight countries—including Argentina—have promised to send firefighting teams, support crews, and supplies.

What caused the fire? Chilean authorities have detained 10 people accused of starting the bushfires that have since spread. The country is also experiencing a heat wave and persistent dry weather, which is helping to fan the flames.

Dig deeper: Read Esther Eaton’s report in WORLD Magazine on how people on both sides of the climate change issue are trying to talk it out.

Lauren Canterberry

Lauren Canterberry is a reporter for WORLD. She graduated from the World Journalism Institute and the University of Georgia with a degree in journalism, both in 2017. She worked as a local reporter in Texas and now lives in Georgia with her husband.

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