Wildfires continue to ravage Northern California | WORLD
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Wildfires continue to ravage Northern California

A pick-up truck burns as the River Fire tears through Lakeport, Calif., on Monday Associated Press/Photo by Noah Berger

Wildfires continue to ravage Northern California

Twin wildfires tearing through vineyards and brushy hills threatened some 10,000 homes Tuesday in Northern California as flames ravage some of the state’s most scenic areas. The two fires straddling Mendocino and Lake counties have burned seven homes along 116 square miles of rural land, and one of the fires is pushing into the Mendocino National Forest. About 100 miles north, the Carr Fire, the ninth most destructive in state history, has burned more than 880 homes and killed six people, said a spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Authorities have warned about 15,000 people near the town of Lakeport, north of San Francisco, to flee.

Seventeen wildfires are burning across the state, stretching fire crews to the limit. State fire spokesman Scott McLean said there was no guarantee of safety in a state ravaged by years of drought. “The vegetation is so dry all it takes is a spark to get it going,” he said.

Les Sillars

Les is a WORLD Radio correspondent and commentator. He previously spent two decades as WORLD Magazine’s Mailbag editor. Les directs the journalism program at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Va.

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