Vital Signs: Poisoned pancakes and legislative prescriptions | WORLD
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Vital Signs: Poisoned pancakes and legislative prescriptions

Pro-life progress and problems. Pro-life legislation surfaced in three state legislatures in the last two weeks of February.

In Oklahoma, the House overwhelmingly approved a bill Feb. 27 requiring abortion providers to obtain clinical privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their facilities. Although opponents have labelled it unconstitutional, the bill’s author, Republican Rep. Mike Ritze, said it is designed to protect unborn children and women who may develop medical complications during an abortion.

Pro-life Arizona legislators continue to propose abortion restrictions despite recent setbacks. The House will debate a bill Thursday that would allow surprise inspections at abortion clinics.

The bill, backed by the Center for Arizona Policy, would waive the requirement for the Department of Health Services (DHS) to obtain an administrative warrant to conduct unscheduled inspections at the state’s nine licensed abortion facilities. The DHS has received five complaints about abortion clinic safety in the last three years, a spokeswoman said. The department has sought and obtained an administrative search warrant for only one of those.

Though opponents claim the bill is unconstitutional and infringes on women’s privacy, the bill’s sponsor, Rep. DebbieLesko, R-Peoria, insists her bill protects women. “I mean, for goodness’ sake, we even do unannounced inspections of Burger King and McDonald’s, but we’re not allowing them at abortion clinics?” she asked.

In Virginia, pro-life budgetary amendments introduced in the House of Delegates failed to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate on Feb. 25. The amendments only passed in the House by a partisan vote, Life Newsreported. They would have prevented Medicaid funding for fetal anomaly abortions and state funding to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates. The third amendment would have prevented funding for any changes to abortion facility regulations attempted by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat.

Poisoned pancake. A Kansas man has been charged with first-degree murder and three other counts for lacing his pregnant girlfriend’s pancake with an abortion drug.

Naomi Abbott was 8-10 weeks pregnant and wanted her baby, Operation Rescuereported. WaKenny, Kan., police arrested Scott Bolling on Feb. 20, but he was released Feb. 26 after posting a $500,000 bond. A Florida man recently pleaded guilty to tricking his girlfriend into taking an abortion drug and was sentenced to 13 years and eight months in jail.

Veil of Tears. Gospel for Asia’s new documentary, Veil of Tears, exposes stories common to millions of Indian women suffering from cultural persecution.

Produced by the Saylors Brothers and narrated by Grammy-nominated singer Natalie Grant, Veil of Tears is set for release in 15 theaters on March 28. It documents the forced abortions, infanticide, sex-trafficking, prostitution, and other forms of persecution Indian women face throughout their lives. Almost a quarter of the world’s illegal abortions—24 percent—are performed in India, many to abort female babies.

Pro-life in Poland. The story of a 22-week-old girl who survived a legal abortion in February has added fuel to the pro-life fire in Poland.

A 2013 government survey revealed that 75 percent of Poles view abortion as unethical. But abortion is currently legal in Poland for pregnancies threatening the mother’s life and resulting from a crime. Abortion is also legal until a baby is viable, if the baby has a handicap or an incurable and life-threatening disease. February’s abortion survivor, now in critical condition, has Down syndrome, heart conditions, and other possible health issues caused by the abortion, according to Life Site News.

Poland’s government recently revealed that suspected illnesses or genetic disorders led to 700 of the 757 children legally aborted in hospitals in 2012.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Courtney Crandell Courtney is a former WORLD correspondent.

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