Virginia police identify trooper slain at bus station | WORLD
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Virginia police identify trooper slain at bus station

A Richmond, Va., police cruiser responds to a shooting at a Greyhound bus station Associated Press/Photo by Steve Helber

Virginia police identify trooper slain at bus station

UPDATE: Trooper Chad Dermyer, 37, died of a gunshot wound he received at a Richmond, Va., Greyhound bus terminal, according to the Virginia State Police. The gunman also died, and two civilians received non-life-threatening injuries in the shooting.

Police have not identified the shooter, nor given a possible motive. Early reports indicated the gunman approached Dermyer and shot him during a state police training exercise at the station, but police have not confirmed that account.

Richmond Police Chief Alfred Durham said law enforcement officers have become the target of “folks out there with evil intentions.”

“It’s unfortunate these are the days we’re living in, where folks want to harm law enforcement,” Durham said. “We just want our officers to end their shifts and to go home to their families.”

UPDATE (5:55 p.m.): A Virginia state trooper who was initially reported dead in a shooting at a Greyhound bus station in Richmond has survived with life-threatening injuries, state police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said. The suspect in the shooting died. Two other civilians were injured, but it was not clear whether they were shot. Geller did not comment on the shooter’s motive.

OUR EARLIER REPORT (4:40 p.m.): A shooter opened fire at a Greyhound bus station in Richmond, Va., this afternoon during a police training exercise. One state trooper is among two people who died in the shooting, according to WWBT NBC12 news.

Local media reported the shooter walked directly up to a state trooper at the bus station and shot him in the chest. The troopers on the scene returned fire, and the suspect died, according to media reports. Six people were wounded in the shooting, police said.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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