Venice bus crash causes nearly two dozen deaths | WORLD
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Venice bus crash causes nearly two dozen deaths

Italian firefighters work at the scene of a passenger bus accident near Venice. Associated Press/Photo by Antonio Calanni

Venice bus crash causes nearly two dozen deaths

A bus traveling from Venice, Italy, to nearby Marghera on Tuesday broke through the wall of an overpass and plummeted 50 feet from the elevated road, killing 21 people and injuring at least 15 others. Nine people remained in critical condition Wednesday morning, including a 3-year-old Ukrainian girl. The reason for the crash is unclear, and City Councilor Renato Boraso said the driver was experienced.

What made the crash so fatal? Several people from rescue teams said the bus was electric, which contributed to the post-crash fire and made rescue operations more difficult. Safety concerns stemming from the vehicle’s overheated battery slowed down Tuesday’s rescue operation, said Mauro Lungo, the provincial fire brigade commander. Italian authorities are investigating the crash to see if any other vehicles were involved or if the driver suffered a health issue. 

Dig deeper: Listen to Cal Thomas’ report on The World and Everything in It about the cost of electric vehicles.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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