Utah law protects minors from transgender treatment | WORLD
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Utah law protects minors from transgender treatment

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox on Saturday, Jan. 28, signed bills that ban youth from receiving gender-affirming health care and allow families to receive scholarships to pay for education outside the public school system. Associated Press/Photo by Rick Bowmer, File)

Utah law protects minors from transgender treatment

Gov. Spencer Cox signed a bill Saturday that protects Utah minors from transgender surgery if they have not already received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. He said the bill pauses the life-altering treatment until more research has been done—especially into long-term consequences. Another 18 states are considering similar bills to protect minors from transgender surgeries.

Did Utah pass any other bills? That same day, Cox signed a school-choice bill that gives scholarships to students for resources like private schools, homeschooling resources, and tutoring. The Iowa legislature passed a similar bill last week. Now, each approved student in Utah will get an $8,000 education savings account. There is no income cap, but lower-income families will get first priority, and the program is limited to $42 million. The bill also includes salary increases for teachers.

Dig deeper: Read Adele Fulton’s report in Liberties on doctors fighting requirements for “gender-affirming” care.

Mary Muncy

Mary Muncy is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. She graduated from World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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