Ukrainians flee, hide from Russian invasion | WORLD
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Ukrainians flee, hide from Russian invasion

Ukrainians huddle in a Kyiv subway station, using it as a bomb shelter on Thursday. Associated Press/Photo by Emilio Morenatti

Ukrainians flee, hide from Russian invasion

Drivers left cars stalled in gridlock across Ukraine on Thursday as they tried to escape Russian missile strikes. Many planned to evacuate to the western city of Lviv but found air raid sirens blaring there, as well. Trains carrying dozens of children from the separatist regions of Luhansk and Donetsk are expected to join crowds in Lviv on Friday. Citizens filled underground subway stations as emergency shelters, settling in for a night on the floor. Many more were stuck at home without gasoline to leave. The United Nations estimates at least 100,000 have moved within the country, possibly triggering one of Europe’s largest refugee crises. Poland has opened its borders for refugees, and the United Kingdom has eased visa requirements. Hungary also extended temporary legal protection to fleeing Ukrainians.

Does the invasion have support at home? While Ukrainians fled their homes, some Russians awoke horrified on Thursday to find reports of the invasion. More than 1,700 were arrested Thursday for participating in anti-war protests in 54 major cities. Demonstrators collected thousands of signatures to demand the Kremlin stop the invasion. Putin defended the attacks, claiming Russians had to eliminate Nazi threats from Ukraine, despite the fact that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish. Zelenskyy signed an order Thursday night mobilizing all conscripts and reservists still in the country. The order means able-bodied men ages 18-60 are not allowed to leave Ukraine. Several families lined up outside gun shops in Lviv, ready to join the national defense.

Dig deeper: Read Jill Nelson’s report in WORLD Magazine with stories from the ground in Ukraine.

Carolina Lumetta

Carolina is a WORLD reporter and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Wheaton College. She resides in Washington, D.C.


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