Ukraine says drones destroyed Russian missile warehouse | WORLD
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Ukraine says drones destroyed Russian missile warehouse

General view of the aftermath of a large series of explosion on an ammunition depot in Toropets, Russia, Wednesday Sept. 18, 2024. Satellite image ©2023 Maxar Technologies via The Associated Press

Ukraine says drones destroyed Russian missile warehouse

A Ukrainian drone attack on the city of Toropets, about 240 miles northwest of Moscow, caused heat sources visible from space, and detonations so loud they triggered earthquake monitors. The explosion, which was reported by both Ukrainian and Russian media, registered as a 3.2 magnitude earthquake. The warehouse stored Iskander and Tochka missiles, as well as KAB guided bombs, according to a report by Kyiv Post, citing an anonymous Ukrainian military source.

How badly was the facility damaged? A source in the Security Service of Ukraine told NBC that the warehouse was, in the source’s words, wiped off the face of the earth.

Are there any casualties from the attack? At least 13 people were injured according to The Associated Press, citing the Russian Health Ministry.

Dig deeper: Read Jessica’s Eturralde’s report for WORLD Magazine about Ukraine’s floundering military numbers.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a graduate of Bob Jones University and the World Journalism Institute.

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