Ukraine liberates village from Russian forces | WORLD
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Ukraine liberates village from Russian forces

People look at a large column of burnt out and captured Russian tanks and infantry carriers in Kyiv on Aug. 24 Associated Press/Photo by Efrem Lukatsky

Ukraine liberates village from Russian forces

Ukraine says that its military troops have reclaimed the southeastern village of Robotyne in its counteroffensive against Russian forces. Ukraine hit five of Moscow’s fighter jets during a nighttime drone strike in Russia, according to Kyiv’s SBU security service.

Where is Russia advancing? Moscow’s most recent assault against Ukraine came Saturday morning when shells hit a cafe in Podoly, a suburb of Kupiansk. The strike killed two civilians and wounded a third. U.K. military intelligence said in an assessment of Saturday’s attack that Russia may be “increas[ing] the intensity of its offensive efforts” around Kupiansk to take pressure off Russian forces in the Zaporizhzhia region, where Robotyne is located. Ukraine has evacuated nearly 12,000 citizens from the area around Kupiansk.

Dig deeper: Read William Fleeson’s article in WORLD Magazine about flowers and resilience blooming in Ukraine amid the Russian invasion.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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