Ukraine launches largest drone attack since start of war | WORLD
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Ukraine launches largest drone attack since start of war

Local residents pass by debris in Kyiv, Ukraine on Wednesday Associated Press/Photo by Efrem Lukatsky

Ukraine launches largest drone attack since start of war

Ukraine launched drones Tuesday night against targets in six areas in western Russia, Russian officials said Wednesday. Notably, the drones hit an airport in Pskov, near the Russia-Estonia border, damaging four military transport planes and starting a fire. Russia’s defense ministry also said it shot down drones over the regions of Orlov, Kaluga, Ryazan, Bryansk, and the Moscow area near the Kremlin. On Wednesday morning, Russia did not report any injuries from the strike.

How did Russia respond? The same night, Russia launched a missile and drone strike against Kyiv that killed two people and wounded another, according to the Kyiv city military administration. Ukrainian air defenses destroyed more than 25 missiles and a dozen drones, the air force said on social media. The strike was the most powerful attack against the capital city since spring, said Serhiy Popko, head of Kyiv’s military administration.

Dig deeper: Read William Fleeson’s article in WORLD Magazine about flowers and resilience blooming in Ukraine amid the Russian invasion.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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