U.K. deploys military to deliver fuel | WORLD
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U.K. deploys military to deliver fuel

British Armed Forces members arrive at Buncefield Oil Depot to drive fuel tankers. Associated Press/Photo by Alastair Grant

U.K. deploys military to deliver fuel

About 200 military personnel trained at depots last week to drive fuel tankers, the latest attempt to offset gas pump supply bottlenecks across Britain. The British government also extended emergency visas for foreign truck drivers to last through 2022 instead of expiring on Christmas Eve. The Petrol Retailers Association said the problem is worst in London and southeast Britain, where some stations closed pumps for over a week. Business Secretary Kwasi Karteng said there was no national fuel shortage and the distribution issue would resolve itself soon. He also urged people to avoid panic buying food and fuel.

What caused the problem? Many foreign workers left the United Kingdom after Brexit because they could no longer stay without visas. Fewer drivers combined with supply chain delays have affected the country’s fuel and food distribution. Farmers said they cannot sell as normal due to a butcher shortage. Opposition parties have called for Parliament to address immigration laws along with food, fuel, and labor shortages across the country. The pro-Brexit government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the issue is connected to the strain on the global supply chain, not the country’s withdrawal from the European Union.

Dig deeper: Read my report in the Sift about global shortages from supply chain delays.

Carolina Lumetta

Carolina is a WORLD reporter and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Wheaton College. She resides in Washington, D.C.


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