U.S. Treasury sanctions Mexican drug cartel affiliates | WORLD
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U.S. Treasury sanctions Mexican drug cartel affiliates

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Associated Press/Photo by Mariam Zuhaib

U.S. Treasury sanctions Mexican drug cartel affiliates

Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen spoke in Atlanta on Thursday about work to fight against the illegal use of drugs like fentanyl. Eight people affiliated with Mexican drug cartel La Nueva Familia Michoacana were sanctioned, she said. The Biden appointee also issued an advisory, or guidance, to help banks detect and report transactions related to chemicals or equipment used to make illegal drugs.

What is the La Nueva Familia Michoacana? The cartel operates in 35 Mexican municipalities as of 2022 and is notorious for smuggling drugs and migrants into the United States, according to the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The crime organization is also known for distributing fentanyl in different shapes, sizes, and bright colors that appeal to children. Yellen issued sanctions against the cartel and its leaders in 2022. The U.S. Department of the Treasury has, in the past two years, sanctioned more than 250 people involved in drug trafficking, Yellen said.

Dig deeper: Read Joanna Insco’s report in Compassion on how fentanyl users are dangerously choosing to smoke the drug.

Elizabeth Moeller

Elizabeth Moeller is a breaking news intern for WORLD and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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