Trump unveils economic plan | WORLD
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Trump unveils economic plan

Donald Trump laid out his economic plan for the United States in a speech today, saying he wanted to “jumpstart America,” and, “It won’t even be that hard.” Tax reform makes up the core of his agenda; he wants to lower the corporate tax rate from 35 to 15 percent and reduce the number of individual income tax brackets from seven to three (12, 25, and 33 percent). Trump also called for allowing parents to deduct the average cost of childcare from their taxable income, and he reiterated his disdain for existing trade deals such as the NAFTA agreement with Canada and Mexico and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Trump leads Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in polls about economic issues, and he used the speech today to hammer what he called her “failed economic agenda.” Clinton is expected to unveil her own job creation plan later this week.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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