Trump shooter denied bail, DOJ releases new details | WORLD
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Trump shooter denied bail, DOJ releases new details

Body cam footage of Ryan Routh's arrest Martin County Sheriff’s Office via Associated Press/Photo uncredited

Trump shooter denied bail, DOJ releases new details

A federal judge in Florida ordered Ryan Routh to remain in pre-trial detention on Monday after federal prosecutors released more details about his failed plan to assassinate former President Donald Trump. Investigators argued that Routh needed to stay in jail after finding evidence suggesting the would-be assassin may try to flee the country. Routh’s vehicle contained six cell phones when authorities searched it, and one showed a Google search for traveling from Palm Beach County to Mexico, according to the court records. Authorities also found a Hawaii driver’s license and passport in Routh’s name inside the vehicle.

Prosecutors charged Routh with possessing a firearm as a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. Routh waited near the 6th hole at Trump’s West Palm Beach golf court with a semi-automatic rifle loaded with a total of 11 bullets including a round in the chamber, according to a Monday court filing.

Why is he not being charged for the attempted assassination? The government plans to pursue an assassination charge against Routh, federal prosecutors said in the Monday detention hearing. Prosecutors presented a handwritten note from Routh written months before his arrest referring to his plan as an assassination attempt. The note was in a box Routh left at a friend’s house several months before his arrest. Routh seemingly predicted that his plot would be foiled, writing, “Dear World, this was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you.” He then offered $150,000 to “whomever can complete the job.”

The box also contained ammunition, a metal pipe, miscellaneous building materials, tools, four phones, and several other letters, according to prosecutors. Investigators allegedly found more evidence of premeditation in Routh's notebook which included a handwritten list of dates and venues from August through October where Trump would appear or already had appeared.

Dig deeper: Read Leo Briceno’s report on a congressional probe into the Secret Service after two assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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