Trump says China is enabling North Korea | WORLD
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Trump says China is enabling North Korea

A giant TV screen in Beijing broadcasts a June meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Associated Press/Photo by Andy Wong

Trump says China is enabling North Korea

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump on Wednesday blamed China for North Korea’s lack of progress in ending its nuclear weapons program and indicated it was unlikely the United States would resume joint military exercises with South Korea. In a series of tweets labeled as a statement from the White House, Trump claimed “North Korea is under tremendous pressure from China because of our major trade disputes with the Chinese government.” He also said China is providing “considerable aid … this is not helpful!”

A trade war between the United States and China has both sides imposing tariffs on each other’s goods. But Trump concluded his tweets saying he and China’s “great President Xi Jinping” could resolve the trade disputes. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying called Trump’s remarks “irresponsible” and that the United States should not shift blame.

Trump also contradicted Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who Tuesday indicated joint U.S. and South Korean military exercises would resume since it appears North Korea has not reduced its nuclear weapons activities. Trump tweeted that war games with South Korea remain on hold, but if they resumed, they would be “far bigger than ever before.”

Denuclearization was part of the agreement made at a June summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The Trump administration suspended joint U.S. and South Korean military exercises earlier this year as a show of good faith toward North Korea.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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