Texas police search for suspect in fatal Juneteenth mass… | WORLD
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Texas police search for suspect in fatal Juneteenth mass shooting

Captain Matt Clark, right, and Chief Deputy Medical Director Dr. Heidi Abraham, left, of Austin County EMS, after a fatal shooting at a Juneteenth celebration. Austin American-Statesman/Photo by Cross Harris via Associated Press

Texas police search for suspect in fatal Juneteenth mass shooting

Law enforcement on Sunday evening were searching for a male suspect and investigating if other shooters were involved in the incident at a Juneteenth festival Saturday in Texas. Two people died on the scene, and at least 14 other people were injured in gunfire. Shots were fired during an altercation between two groups at the festival, said Round Rock Police Chief Allen Banks. The victims were not part of the altercation, he said.

What is the status of the injured? The injured victims ranged from 10 to 62 years of age, Banks said. They were taken to area hospitals, and most have been released. The rest are in stable condition and are expected to be released soon.

What was the festival like? The annual Juneteenth festival was at a local park. Banks described it as an open-air venue with law enforcement, fire department, and medical personnel on duty but without security checkpoints. He said the crowd was large but declined to estimate how many people attended the event.

Also on Saturday, a separate shooting at a splash pad in suburban Detroit injured nine people. Police said the suspected shooter in the case took his own life.

Dig deeper: Read Josh Schumacher’s report in The Sift on the U.S. Supreme Court’s latest gun-related opinion.

Elizabeth Moeller

Elizabeth Moeller is a breaking news intern for WORLD and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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