Terrorists kill three, injure 14 in Turkey attack | WORLD
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Terrorists kill three, injure 14 in Turkey attack

Turkish police officers outside the Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. facility Associated Press/Photo by Yavuz Ozden, Dia Photo

Terrorists kill three, injure 14 in Turkey attack

The militants attacked a manufacturing plant owned by Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. near Ankara before authorities neutralized two of them, Turkey’s Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said on Wednesday. The state-run company provides military hardware to the Turkish government.

What exactly happened at the scene? The Daily Sabah, a Turkish news outlet, reported Wednesday that the attackers arrived at the facility in a taxi while security personnel were changing their stations. One of the attackers set off a bomb at the facility. Two attackers opened fire on civilians who were working there.

Authorities did not immediately accuse a specific terrorist group of supporting the attack and no groups immediately claimed responsibility, the Daily Sabah reported. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is Muslim, said he was praying for the victims of the attack. He also promised the Turkish government would not cease in its attempts to stamp out the terrorist organizations that threaten its security.

Dig deeper: Read my report in the WORLD archives about how, around this time last year, Turkish fighter plans were carrying out retaliatory attacks against militant groups following terrorist attacks inside the country’s borders.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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