Sweden sending Ukraine tanks, planes in $1.2 billion aid… | WORLD
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Sweden sending Ukraine tanks, planes in $1.2 billion aid package

A JAS 39 Gripen C/D takes off during a military exercise TT News Agency/Photo by Anders Wiklund via AP, file

Sweden sending Ukraine tanks, planes in $1.2 billion aid package

Sweden announced its largest military support package to Ukraine during its war with Russia early this morning. The aid package—the 16th sent by Sweden—contains an Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft, or ASC 890, and its entire stock of high-mobility armored infantry tanks manufactured in Sweden. The package also includes an array of Advanced Mid-Range Air-to-Air Missile, or AMRAAM systems, for F-16 fighter jets and aid with repairs for current equipment. These systems come as Belgium has promised to donate 30 F-16s throughout the next four years. The total valuation for the Swedish military package is roughly $1.2 billion.

How will this equipment help? The surveillance capabilities of the ASC 890 will greatly benefit Ukraine’s awareness of launches and targets in Russia. The F-16s will answer Ukraine’s call for aircraft support. Sweden will also launch a new defense research institute in Ukraine to aid its development throughout the war.

What’s happening in Ukraine right now? Russia is still pounding Ukraine’s northern and western borders. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is refusing to speak with Russian officials until troops are outside their borders. Meanwhile, France and Germany are calling for Ukraine to use weapons provided by Western nations to strike into the Russian borders.

Jonah Hendricks

Jonah Hendricks is a student at Thomas University in Georgia and the World Journalism Institute.


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