Suspect in jail, but more mail bombs could be out there | WORLD
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Suspect in jail, but more mail bombs could be out there

A sketch from Cesar Sayoc’s court appearance Monday Associated Press/Photo by Daniel Pontet

Suspect in jail, but more mail bombs could be out there

The suspect in a spate of mail bomb scares directed at prominent Democrats appeared Monday in federal court in Miami to face charges that carry a possible sentence of more than 50 years in prison. Authorities arrested Cesar Sayoc, 56, Friday outside a South Florida auto parts store. More than a dozen targets—including Democratic politicians, their supporters, and CNN offices—received crude explosive devices starting last week, but more could be in the U.S. mail system, officials said. The FBI reportedly is working to warn people whose names were on a hit list the suspect kept. New York Times officials said in a staff memo Monday that the FBI said one of its editors was listed. Later that day, an envelope addressed to the editor raised concerns, but New York police determined it was a false alarm.

At Monday’s hearing, Sayoc became weepy at one point but said little. “Right now, we know very, very, very little,” one of Sayoc’s attorneys, Daniel Aaronson, said. “We do not know all the evidence the government has. You have to keep in mind he has not been found guilty of anything.”

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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