Students receive less support for pro-life protests | WORLD
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Students receive less support for pro-life protests

Students protest during the Pro-life Walkout at Los Alamitos High School near Los Angeles. Students for Life of America

Students receive less support for pro-life protests

Students for Life of America (SFLA) said it received numerous reports of poor administrative support for Wednesday’s pro-life student walkouts at schools across the country. Though students have not reported being disciplined at school for participating in the walkouts, many said their principals and teachers discouraged the demonstrations and threatened consequences in advance. SFLA quoted one student as saying, “Our school allowed the gun violence walkout but my principal said that abortion is too political. He said everyone agreed about the gun walkout though.” Inspired by Northern California high school student Brandon Gillespie, who wanted too see if his school held a double standard for supporting student views, students nationwide walked out of class at 10 a.m. local time Wednesday to protest the killing of unborn children through abortion. SFLA said 400 individual students or organizations contacted the group for walkout information and support. Wednesday’s pro-life demonstrations received no coverage on network evening news shows, which devoted in total more than 10 minutes to covering the March 14 walkouts in protest of gun violence, according to the Media Research Center. “It’s still worth noting that the media went all in for the anti-gun walkout, talking about lives lost and free speech, while ignoring the #ProLifeWalkout, in which we mourn the fact that Planned Parenthood and their co-workers in the abortion industry have taken one-fourth of our generation from us, and that students have a right to speak about that as well,” SFLA president Kristan Hawkins said.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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