South Korea to join U.S. in response to North Korean threats | WORLD
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South Korea to join U.S. in response to North Korean threats

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol Associated Press/Photo by Lee Jin-man

South Korea to join U.S. in response to North Korean threats

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol is saying his country will collaborate with the U.S. on joint planning and execution of a response to North Korean nuclear threats. So far, Yoon says joint plans will include table-top exercises, computer simulations, and nuclear weapon delivery drills. 

To what is South Korea referring? Last year, North Korea tested a record number of missiles. When North Korean drones trespassed into South Korean airspace a few weeks ago, the country responded with warning shots. Days later, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered an expanded nuclear arsenal and the creation of a more powerful missile.

Dig deeper: From the WORLD archives, read Joyce Wu’s article about three popular Korean dramas that focus on friendship and family.

Elias Ferenczy

Elias Ferenczy is a breaking news intern for WORLD. He’s a graduate of WORLD Journalism Institute and Covenant College.

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