Six officers shot in Philadelphia standoff | WORLD
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Six officers shot in Philadelphia standoff

Philadelphia police take shooting suspect Maurice Hill into custody on Thursday. Associated Press/Photo by Elizabeth Robertson/The Philadelphia Inquirer

Six officers shot in Philadelphia standoff

A suspect is in custody after an hourslong standoff and gun battle Wednesday in which he wounded six Philadelphia police officers. Police initially arrived at the home around 4:30 p.m. to serve an arrest warrant for drug charges.

What went wrong? The suspect opened fire inside the house. He shot six officers, some as they were trying to escape. Two other officers were trapped inside along with three civilian hostages, but a SWAT team rushed the scene and freed them. Maurice Hill, 36, surrendered to police around midnight after talking to his attorney, Shaka Johnson. The wounded police officers’ injuries were not life-threatening, and all were released from the hospital Wednesday night.

Dig deeper: The Philadelphia Inquirer has a detailed account of how events unfolded. CNN had live updates throughout the incident.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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