Signs and Wonders: Democrat James Carville praises 'talented… | WORLD
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Signs and Wonders: Democrat James Carville praises 'talented and fearless' Republican Ted Cruz

James Carville Associated Press/Photo by Patrick Semansky

Signs and Wonders: Democrat James Carville praises 'talented and fearless' Republican Ted Cruz

Praise for Cruz. If you’re a Republican, you’ve got to worry at least a little bit when Democratic strategist James Carville praises you. Does he have an ulterior motive, or is he simply being ironic? While those are legitimate questions, I think the answer to both in this case is “no.” The veteran political analyst seems genuinely impressed with Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. Judge Carville’s words for yourself: “I think [Ted Cruz] is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I've seen in the last 30 years. I further think that he's going to run for president, and he is going to create something. I've listened to excerpts of his speech in South Carolina. He touches every button, and this guy has no fear. He just keeps plowing ahead. And he is going to be something to watch. A lot of Republicans feel this way. You hear this a lot: ‘If we only got someone who was articulate and was for what we were for, we'd win elections. And we get these John McCains and these Mitt Romneys and these squishy guys that can't do anything.’ Well, there's one thing this guy is not—he ain't squishy, not in the least.”

Digging a pit. Proverbs reminds us that “whoever digs a pit will fall in it.” That appears to be precisely what happened to a few wealthy, middle-aged men in Florida. An attractive woman who identifies herself as Crystal is making a living by allegedly seducing the men, drugging them, and walking away with their valuables. According to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, she’s so far made off with nearly $100,000 in cash and other items. "It's a crime that's so common," former FBI agent and ABC News consultant Brad Garrett said. "Many of them don't get reported because the men feel embarrassed."

Excessive? Really? Derrick Hayes of Columbus (Texas) High School ran the anchor leg of his school’s 4 x 100-meter relay team. When his squad won a state qualifying race, he lifted a finger toward the sky in silent witness. It’s a common and relatively unobtrusive gesture considering the dances and gyrations you often see at soccer and football games. But the gesture apparently ran afoul of a University Interscholastic League (UIL) regulation barring excessive celebration. The rule bars any and all hand gestures. Hayes’ team was disqualified and will not get another chance to qualify for the state meet. The runner and his team are getting massive online and radio response, especially after becoming a hot topic on Texas talk radio. Almost all of the response has been positive. One online commenter said, “I’m an atheist, and even I think this is ridiculous.”

Virtual jamboree. The Family Research Council and OnMyHonor.Net held an online webcast last night to generate support for the Boy Scouts’ current policy regarding homosexuals. The event, hosted by FRC President Tony Perkins, included Scout leaders from around the country, attorney and conservative activist John Stemberger, founder of OnMyHonor.Net, and Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Perry, who wrote a book about Scouting several years ago, discussed the importance of Scouting in his own life, and he highlighted the role of Scouting in developing boys into men. The program is now online.

Warren Cole Smith

Warren is the host of WORLD Radio’s Listening In. He previously served as WORLD’s vice president and associate publisher. He currently serves as president of MinistryWatch and has written or co-written several books, including Restoring All Things: God's Audacious Plan To Change the World Through Everyday People. Warren resides in Charlotte, N.C.


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