Shooting in Maryland kills three | WORLD
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Shooting in Maryland kills three

Radee Labeeb Prince Associated Press/Maryland State Police

Shooting in Maryland kills three

UPDATE: Police on Tuesday evening apprehended the suspect in a shooting spree that began earlier in the day in Maryland. A tip led federal and local law enforcement officers to Radee Lebeeb Prince’s vehicle in Wilmington, Del., and he was arrested after a brief chase on foot. Prince is a felon with 42 arrests in Delaware. Court records show he was fired from a job in Maryland earlier this year after allegedly punching a co-worker and threatening other employees. He also faced charges of possession of a gun by a felon, habitually paid his rent late, had numerous traffic violations, and was ordered to undergo drug and alcohol counseling in recent years. Police said Prince had “beefs” with the person he shot at a used car lot in Wilmington, Del. The man was wounded but survived and identified Prince to police. Authorities have not disclosed a motive for the shooting at Prince’s workplace in Edgewood, Md., earlier in the day, which killed three and wounded two others who remain in critical condition.

UPDATE (10/18/17, 2:56 p.m.): Maryland shooting suspect Radee Lebeeb Prince is now also a suspect in a later shooting in Delaware that wounded one. The Wilmington, Del., Police Department said they suspect Prince shot the owner of a car lot and auto detailer about two hours after the Maryland shooting. Authorities are conducting a manhunt for Prince using helicopters and ground officers. FBI investigators are treating the shooting as a case of workplace violence and don’t see any ties to terrorism, Baltimore FBI field office spokesman Dave Fitz told The News Journal in Wilmington.

OUR EARLIER REPORT (10/18/17, 12:46 p.m.): Three people died and two were injured in a workplace shooting Wednesday morning in Edgewood, Md. Police said the suspect, 37-year-old Radee Lebeeb Prince, remains at large. The owner of Advanced Granite Solutions said Prince had worked for him for about four months as a machine operator. All of the victims worked at the same company. Police have not commented on a possible motive for the shooting.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


Kiley Crossland Kiley is a former WORLD correspondent.

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