Several die in Texas, Louisiana due to Hurricane Beryl | WORLD
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Several die in Texas, Louisiana due to Hurricane Beryl

A damaged home in Houston, Texas Associated Press/Photo by Melissa Phillip, Houston Chronicle

Several die in Texas, Louisiana due to Hurricane Beryl

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Monday evening said at least three people died in Texas as a result of Hurricane Beryl passing through portions of the state. Two people died from falling trees and another died from drowning. Acting Houston Police Chief Larry Satterwhite confirmed Houston police officer Russell Richardson died in floodwaters that trapped him as he traveled to work. In Texas' Montgomery County, authorities reported three fatalities. A falling tree killed a middle-aged man while he was driving a tractor and authorities found two other deceased persons in a tent in a wooded area, the county’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management said in a statement. In Louisiana, Bossier County Sheriff Julian Whittington on Monday confirmed another death.

What other damage has the storm caused? on Tuesday morning reported that roughly 2.3 million people in Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas didn’t have electricity. Almost all of them were in Texas. Lt. Gov. Patrick on Monday evening put the number of people without power at closer to three million. He added it would take days to restore power to those affected.

Dig deeper: Read Lauren Canterberry’s report in The Sift from yesterday about the recovery from Hurricane Beryl.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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