Russia warns U.S. of consequences after attack in Crimea | WORLD
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Russia warns U.S. of consequences after attack in Crimea

Russian President Vladimir Putin (center) with Crimean leaders in 2014 Sputnik, Pool Sputnik Government via Associated Press/Photo by Yekaterina Shtukina

Russia warns U.S. of consequences after attack in Crimea

Moscow accused the United States of funding and supporting a missile strike that killed several civilians on Sunday, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry. A missile struck the southwestern city of Sevastopol in Russian-occupied Crimea on Sunday and killed four people, two of whom were children, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. About 150 people were injured and about half of them were hospitalized, the report added. The Russian Ministry of Defense determined the attackers used American missiles equipped with cluster warheads, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry. All those responsible for any terrorist attacks on Russian territory will suffer inevitable punishment, the ministry said. There is no doubt of the United States’ involvement in this crime and a response will certainly follow, the Russian Foreign Ministry added.

What kind of consequences did Russia warn of? Russian leaders did not specify what consequences would result from Washington’s alleged involvement. Kremlin leaders summoned U.S. Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy to notify her of impending retaliatory measures against America for its alleged involvement in the strike, the state-run TASS Russian News Agency reported. The statement went on to accuse the United States of encouraging international terrorism and using inhumane weapons.

Russian-American relations have been frostier than usual in recent weeks after a pattern of concerning actions by Russia. President Vladimir Putin signed a mutual defense pact with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un last week. A nuclear-powered Russian submarine accompanied by warships docked in Cuba the week before. Moscow has also continued to arrest and try American citizens for what American officials characterize as baseless charges. Relations could deteriorate further as U.S. journalist Evan Gershkovich will stand trial later this week for allegedly spying for the United States. His employer, The Wall Street Journal, denies those allegations. President Joe Biden already warned Putin in March that wrongfully detaining a U.S. citizen would cost Russia.

Dig deeper: Read my report on U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken signing a treaty to combat Russian misinformation.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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