Rescuers save nine from a collapsed building in Iowa | WORLD
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Rescuers save nine from a collapsed building in Iowa

A partial apartment building collapse Sunday, May 28, 2023, in Davenport, Iowa. Associated Press/Quad City Times/Photo by Nikos Frazier

Rescuers save nine from a collapsed building in Iowa

No deaths have been reported in the partial collapse of an apartment complex in Davenport, Iowa. Mayor Mike Matson said rescuers are still trying to find possible victims. The fire department arrived at the building Sunday to find a large natural gas leak and water drenching the apartments. The cause of the collapse remains unclear. Fire Chief Michael Carlsten plans to end the search later today after officials confirm that all residents are accounted for. However, families of residents continue to report individuals who are missing. The building is expected to be demolished on Tuesday.

How does this building collapse compare to other recent incidents? This disaster calls to mind scenes of the collapsed condominium complex in Surfside, Fla., which occurred in June 2021. A wing of the 12-story Champlain Towers South collapsed, claiming the lives of 98 people. An inspection in 2018 found that damage to the building’s pool deck threatened its structural integrity. 

Dig deeper: Read the report in WORLD Magazine on the Surfside condominium tragedy.

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman is a student at New Saint Andrews College and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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