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Report says North Korea’s artificial intelligence capabilities pose threat to region

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Associated Press/Photo by Korean Central News Agency, Korea News Service, file

Report says North Korea’s artificial intelligence capabilities pose threat to region

A report published by the 38 North project on Tuesday says North Korea is developing artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. Author Hyuk Kim suggests North Korea’s research into AI could lend itself to commercial as well as military purposes. The report says North Korea has been developing these capabilities despite Western sanctions, and is cooperating with Chinese scientists.

What does this all mean? Kim suggests that those capabilities could enhance wargaming simulations used to practice responses to military operations by the United States and its allies. He says some artificial intelligence could also help further develop the North’s nuclear program.

Dig deeper: Read Bob Brown’s review in WORLD Magazine of the documentary Beyond Utopia about North Korean escapees.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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